Good to Great 30!
What are your plans for September? Join me with the challenge to do 30 minutes of cardio every day. Sherri Ford-Adkins thanks for helping move out of my comfort zone.

Day 1
Day 2
Happy Monday! 30 days will pass …so what are you doing on those days? The choice is yours.
Day 3
How are you continuing to provide momentum in your life and the lives of others? Take some action to continue that ripple.
Day 4
Are you All talk and No action? Make a change today with creating a checklist to monitor your actions. Discipline is necessary to complete a challenge… you can do it!
Day 5
How is your mood? Sherri Ford and I incorporate some creativity which can allow to have a more consistent positive mindset.
Day 6
What are you grateful for? I have so many things to appreciate from my family to my career.
Day 7
What are your plans after this challenge? You will be creating momentum daily …so you need to plan your next destination in advance. You have the ability to create what you desire so achieve it with executing a plan.
Day 8
New beginnings!… what new beginnings are you working on Every day is an opportunity for a new beginning! Take action 🙏🏽
Day 9
What decisions do you make daily? Here are three questions that can help you grow every day.
Day 10
Are you looking through a positive or negative lens?
Day 11
What do your relationships say about you? Are you adding value, appreciating others, supporting them when life throws them curve balls?
Day 12
Begin today with feeling more accomplished by taking back control of your time if you have lost it?
Day 13
Going beyond your limits. Thank you for your insight and consistency. This was a fun interview… That stretched me in more ways than one.
#perserverance #goodtogreat30 #collaboration100 #americassupermom
Day 14
Day 14… Let’s keep moving!
Day 15
as I travel the open road back home to Georgia… I ponder the question “Are miracles real?” If I they are…”do I believe they are possible in my life?” My answers to both questions is yes. I have witnessed 13 miracles being born from My body and many more on top of that. How about you…what do you believe?
Day 16
What does excellence look like? Is it attainable?
Day 17
What are you manifesting in your life? Who or what can help you create the life you desire?
Day 18
Day 18… Are you headed in the right direction?
Day 19
If you are not happy where you are in life
It may be the questions you are asking yourself 😊
Explore asking better questions for better actions with better outcomes.
Day 20
It is so important to read so that you can be a better version of you. Subhopati Sanyal thanks for this reminder. Thank you Tom Marcoux for including me in your latest book!🙏🏽 Let’s read everyone!
#goodtogreat30 #collaboration100 #americassupermom
Day 21
Destination!!! Begin with the end in mind. Where are you planning to be on day 31? How have your changed and what are you going to do differently as a result of this challenge?
#goodtogreat30 #hawaii50 #faith #americassupermom
Day 22
Celebrate life!!! Happy birthday to my daughter Danielle. 15 years have flown by…have a phenomenal day and Year! Everyone celebrate life today with friends and family!!!
#goodtogreat30 #celebrate #americassupermom #teamadkins #americassupermom
Day 23
Are you tired of living a life with limits? Self doubt, limiting beliefs, victim mentality. Tune in and change your life now.
#goodtogreat30 #collaboration100 #network #americassupermom #freetobeme
Day 24
How are YOU showing up?
Day 25
Influencer…. what impact are you having on the lives of those who are watching you?
Day 26
Habits involve more than your actions. Dig a little deeper. What thoughts do we have a habit of thinking…I am not good enough, why me, nothing good happens to me, etc. Be aware that those thoughts cause you to cower down and stop being and doing all you were created to be. Remember you should control your habits Not be controlled by them.
Day 27
Charity. How can you give to those in your community?
Day 28
Committed! How committed are you to making your dreams come true?
Day 29
Momentum! What is day 31 looking like for you? What areas of your life could you improve with 30 minutes of attention? Is it lead generation, time with your kids, organizing an area around the house or extra SLEEP. Plan today how day 31 will look and keep up your discipline. You got this!!!
Day 30
Just do it! What are you putting off…business, relationship, travel. Tomorrow is not promised so do it Today!!!
All Things Pink!
All Things Pink!
All things pink for breast cancer awareness!!!
– Participate
– Inspire
– Notice others
– Kindness
This is very uncomfortable to wear a pink wig every where but a small price to pay for those among us who struggle with the discomfort of the disease cancer. My discomfort reminds me to tell everyone that I lock eyes with about the importance of breast exams. Other causes this month are Down syndrome, domestic violence, bullying and depression awareness. Join me in spreading the word. Take pictures with pink on and share on Facebook and Instagram!❤️ BreastCancer Advocacy
#allthingspink#collaboration100#americassupermomSee Less