Thanks for connecting with me as I work to add value to help reduce stress and depression in the lives of business entrepreneurs.In addition to one on one and group coaching, I have expanded my platform to include free content #collaboration100 through FB live interviews and anchor audio podcasts
I would be honored if you could join me as a guest on one or both of these platforms. Thanks again for all your support and may you accomplish all you desire.
Blessings LaChelle#americassupermom

“Effective conversation”—great insight and nuggets from their book Chip Baker Tsc and Oliver T. Reid from teaching our youth to slow it down to… scheduling time for an “innerview” for our relationships . Great conversation!!!😊💯

Megan R. Fenyoe shared with us that we are enough! When we are working on ourselves we need visual coping … hence “I am enough because…” cards. Join the movement and buy her book which goes through 5 steps for her journey of discovery. #collaboration100 #iamenough #network #mindset #americassupermom

Here I am with Amanda Cooper at the Real Women Atlanta Magazine conference for “Powerful Sistas in the ATL.” Check out the interview below!

Inspiration! Authenticity! Creativity! These qualities come to mind when I hear the name Swapna Abraham. We met and I was amazed of her journey of 1000 songs in 1000 days… her song that concluded the month of August… that she named “Supermom.” Looking forward to seeing what is next from my amazing new friend. Keep shining; you are in the home stretch. Love you!
Check out Swapna’s “SuperMom” song on Soundcloud below!
What a blessing to witness this creation! I am so inspired and happy to have crossed paths with Swapna Abraham who has blessed me personally and professionally. Happy Saturday to all the #supermoms Blessings LaChelle#collaboration100 #supermom #americassupermom

Future Guinness World Record Holder; Swapna Abraham and I, discuss the importance of persistence and time.
Join in to hear her journey on 2 songs a day for 1000 days!

Nonye Aghanya and I discussed ways to communicate with patients and healthcare providers. She tells about how her experience as a patient with her own health led her on this journey.

Join me in person as I discuss the importance of proper mental health in our daily routine for goal oriented community leaders.

Special guest, Chip Baker and I had such an inspiring conversation! From personal development to parenting tips for a positive school year. His words of wisdom can be summed up with his daily mission:
Show up, have a positive attitude and give it your all!!! He shared an awesome illustration about the coffee bean. I also loved his point that core common principles don’t go out of style! Click the button below to tune into our conversation of excellence?

To celebrate July 4th, we had a Discussion on how to live F.R.E.E. How have you found ways to live free in your daily life! Check it out below!
Reset daily
Educate often
Embellish – add value to others

Below is a link to the Facebook Live I hosted with Guest Tamika Milburn and Krista Mollion. They both gave great insight for handling failures, reflecting, and regrouping.
You have to be mindful of your surroundings by having a balance of givers and takers, giving back to your community, and learning to say no and taking note of having too many “takers” in your camp.
July 16, 2019

I am excited to kickoff the July schedule with “Networking to Acquire More Clients”. I will be the speaker on this zoom call to share the 5 components of effective networking. To watch the video click the button below!
June 13, 2019

Here I am with Anthony S. Ford (Mayor City of Stockbridge) and Michelle Douglas at the Economic Summit in Stockbridge, GA.
We discussed creating programs for success to create opportunities for the city of Stockbridge!
Click below for the link to the FaceBook post!
June 19, 2019

Take 2 with Jacqueline Inwood Way
Did you know that giving is like an addiction? Listen in as we hear how this career mother started a family project to intentionally build character with her children that led her to a TEDx talk!
This talk opened up opportunities to start her own charity. Great tips to intentionally add happiness in your life.
Click on the link below to watch our Live Discussion!
#365give #inspireothers #jointhemovement #americassupermom #collaboration100

In this live, we discussed taking the time to know your attributes so you can evolve in the workplace as things change in your industry. Thank you so much Lori Heath Knudsen for joining me!
June 8, 2019

Here I am featured on You Rise Today’s Live Clarity Mastermind presentation!
If you click on the link below, you will be taken to the full video where I discuss parenting and business!
June 29, 2019

May 31, 2019
Communities FORE Kids – Golf Fundraiser

Communities in Schools’ mission in Henry County is to help kids stay in school.
This event was held to bring awareness to Communities in School’s mission and the impact that they are trying to make in Henry County Schools.
April 18, 2019
Stress Management 101 with Lori Miller

Stress management is key in a life full of confusion!
Take some time to listen to this podcast and find practical ways to recognize and manage your stress indicators.
April 18, 2019
BEST Tips to Brand Yourself Outside of Social Media!

Join Cecelia, Andrew and I as we discuss branding techniques outside of social media!
Click the link below to check it out!
April 18, 2019
Removing Masks – FaceBook Live

If you missed out on this AWESOME FaceBook Live session I was in with Amy Thomson and Teresa Snider, you can watch it by clicking the link below!
March 30th, 2019
Personal Development Jeopardy!

Join Andrew Weaver and I on Fridays to play Personal Development Jeopardy! You could even win a free copy of “The Richest Man in Babylon” for engaging! Click below to watch us play!

March 12th, 2019
Excel Academy Parent and Student Coaching

On the 12th, 19th, and 26th, I coached Parents on Students on goal setting, time management, and advocating for your kids!
March 12, 2019
AuthorsUnite Podcast Introduction

Click below to see how I shared my experience coaching and what led me to pursue a life coaching career!
March 11,2019
A Fresh Start with Chris Salem!
Segment One of “A Fresh Start” was streamed on March 11th. Chris Salem and I via Facebook Live discussed Fear. Be sure to catch the other segments below where we will tackled Reframing Your Story.
Interviewing with ELHS Students
Interviewing with ELHS Students
I had the privilege of coaching the students at Eagles Landing High School on how to manage stress, ways to differentiate yourself, and how to practice mental health strategies.